Tuesday, September 17, 2013

When doubt tells you you're not good enough, focus on the truth that God says you're fearfully and wonderfully made; all of His works are wonderful and you are one of them (Psalm 139:14).
Jesus wants us to live with a confident heart so we can accomplish what He's calling us to do. And He wants to change us from the inside out so we can learn to completely depend on Him!

As I read this devotion I am reminded today of all my self talk.  I often complain about my arms, my weight, and my general lack in some way or another.  I don't mean lack as if I need some material thing far from it.  I mean the way I percieve myself.  God created me and He doesn't create junk.  Now let me say some of my "problems" are definitely self inflicted by not eating right, not excercising regularly ect... However instead of complaining about what God created I need to maintain what He gave me. 

Most of us would not let our house fall to disrepair we would do everything we could to fix it and keep it up. We shouldn't complain about the builder if we are not doing our part to keep the house clean and maintained.  We should not complain to God if we like wise don't keep our bodies fed well and maintained.

Moral of my ramblings we are fearfully and wonderfully made. God doesn't make junk and we have the right as sons and daughters of the King to be confident in life.  We may have some remodeling to do, we may have some things to pray through but we know that whom God calls He equips.  We need to only listen to Him and then walk boldly and confidently in the plans and directions He has for us.

Tuesday, July 10, 2012

James 1:17 Every good and perfect gift is from above, coming down from the Father of the heavenly lights, who does not change like shifting shadows.

This verse tells me that God is in my corner, He is routing for me and wants me to have good things. But I must also remember even when bad things happen God has not forsaken me, He has a plan and can see all things where I can only see partly. 

God, help me to thank you for the good things and not place blame for the bad things, fully knowing that all things work together for the good of those who love the Lord.

Saturday, June 30, 2012

READ: Acts 15:22-35

THINK: We all need standards, boundaries and guidelines. But problems arise when we try to determine all of these according to our own ideas and preferences. Left to ourselves, none of us—even as Christians—would adopt the same values, and most of us would give little consideration to how our freedoms and restrictions affect others. That’s why God gives us the commands and guidelines in His Word. He also gives us the Holy Spirit to guide us in making appropriate decisions that honor Him and benefit others. One of the marks of Christian maturity is when we become sensitive enough to the Spirit to willingly refrain from activities that could not only compromise and corrupt our own morals but could also offend or mislead others spiritually.
RESPOND: How did the church leaders arrive at their decision regarding how the Gentiles should follow up their commitment to Christ? (See 15:28 note.) 
Through prayer, fasting and devotion to God's word they were led by the Holy Spirit on how to direct the Gentiles. 
 Why must you depend on the Holy Spirit’s guidance in making decisions? 
If left to our own devises our sinful nature will sway us in the wrong direction.  We must depend on the Holy Spirit for his guidance and we must obtain that guidance in the same way as the early church through prayer, fasting and devotion to God's word.
What’s the significance of the specific standards and restrictions that the church leaders presented to the Gentile believers? (See 15:29 note.) 
These specific standards were set so as not to offend the Gentile's Jewish neighbors.  We must live a life holding to standards that will not cause our brothers and sisters to sin. Even if we don't believe it is necessarily wrong if it will cause someone to lose faith in Christ then we should abstain from doing whatever that is.  We never want to be responsible for someone else losing faith.
How do these moral restrictions apply in practical ways to believers today—particularly the issues of “idols” and abstaining from sexual immorality?
We often place idols before God in our lives whether we realize it or not. Any thing that we do in place of what we should be doing for God becomes an idol.  Watching TV is not in itself bad but if you watch so much TV that you don't read your bible or pray then you have set the TV up as your idol.  Abstaining from sexual immorality while it is not the popular decision among most people today it is the biblical decision and the Christian decision.  It is still an act that corrupts the body.  The body is the Temple of the Holy Spirit and as the Temple we have to keep it clean and pure.   
 How did the Christians in Antioch respond to the message?
The people were glad for it's encouraging message.  They were accepting of what the letter said.
Why must you look past your own preferences and what you feel is okay and consider how your actions may influence others? 
Because we never want to be the cause of someone stumbling.  Our goal is to live in harmony with each other encouraging other believers in their faith and reaching out to the lost nothing we desire to do should be more important than those 2 things.
What are some examples of how consideration for others could affect your own lifestyle choices?
One big example is the issue of drinking some people think that it is ok to drink in moderation while others believe that you should never drink.  It is better to completely abstain from drinking then to lead someone down the wrong path.  Some people never watch TV because they don't trust themselves to make right choices regarding the content of what they watch we should not challenge their convictions just because we think it is OK we should respect the convictions and continue to encourage them in their faith.
PRAY: Pray that you’ll refrain from activities that could compromise your own faith and moral values, and that you will also demonstrate the maturity to refrain from things that may offend or mislead others in their faith and morality.
ACT: If you’re in the process of making a big decision, give God opportunity to voice His guidance, and be sure to listen for the Holy Spirit’s direction in making your decision. Also, allow God to expose ways in which you may be compromising your moral standards or setting a questionable example for others who are trying to maintain godly purity in thought and action. Demonstrate maturity by making a change and doing what’s best both for you and for others.

Thursday, June 28, 2012

Being the example

I have been telling the students in my youth ministry that the best way to really get God's word in your heart is to first read it and then write down what God is telling them in the passage of scripture or some insight that they got out of that scripture.  So this is my answer to taking my own advise.

I don't really expect anyone else to read this blog it is mainly for my own accountability.  Keeping up with my bible reading and then writing down what I learned. 

Today I read...
The pastors opposition series that he has been teaching the scripture in Nehemiah that he used to teach out of really spoke to me about things I need to do to really see my own spiritual growth take off as well as being prepared to work with youth.

This scripture and my pastor points out that I need to:
1. set a time of prayer and fasting.
2. Be prepared and have a plan
3. have determination and a defense

I must keep my eyes on Jesus and live the best life I can for him.